Use "unitarian universalism|unitarian universalism" in a sentence

1. Covenanting communities are the primary ways that their members or participants connect to Unitarian Universalism

2. Covenanting communities are the primary ways that their members or participants connect to Unitarian Universalism

3. 13 The religious root of universalism in American culture comes from Christian monotheism and Universalism.

4. The Boehmist Shift to Universalism 5.5

5. Covenanting communities are an alternative kind of Unitarian Universalist (UU) group

6. Pompa vicualling beleave neighbor Apprehensivenesses periodical ununified Universalism

7. 1766), Josiah was raised within a family of English Dissenters, he was the grandson of a Unitarian minister and was an active Unitarian.

8. She was also active in the Unitarian Church, which supported abolitionism.

9. Lenges the trend of universalism in forming aesthetics, Anthologizing po­ etry, and fashioning poetics

10. Young’s novel has been theologically critiqued for tending toward universalism, antinomianism, Antiecclesiasticism and more

11. Young’s novel has been theologically critiqued for tending toward universalism, antinomianism, Antiecclesiasticism and more

12. A career in commerce proved uncongenial(, so he entered the General Baptist/Unitarian ministry.

13. Phipps, the Unitarian, had a front tooth broken, and Henfrey was injured in the cartilage of his ear.

14. Platonism, Stoicism and Paul's theory about salvation by faith[Sentence dictionary], are the main thought source of Christian universalism.

15. 10 No studious Unitarian cushioned in a Boston study had a chance of winning the West against such a spirit.

16. While in England, he learned of the Philadelphians, a movement that had advocated a Boehmist mystical universalism in England during the seventeenth century

17. 27 Since the rise of the religion of autonomy, human perfectibility , and universalism, only one confession has been utterly antithetical: The Reformed confession.

18. Ministry launches projects to restore ancient Roman temple (21) Marcellus of Ancyra seems to have held to a non-Origenist version of universalism

19. Theodore Parker (1810–1860), an advocate of progressive religious ideas, abolitionism and women's suffrage, was minister of this Unitarian congregation from 1837 to 1846.

20. 16 This is a preeminent problem for character education in its current form, as it appeals to an abstract universalism and an untethered rationality.

21. Ays: Are You Sure? Ays: American Youth Symphony (Los Angeles, CA) Ays: Aotea Youth Symphony (Auckland, New Zealand) Ays: About Your Sexuality (Unitarian Universalist education publication)

22. Congregations that have taken part in the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Welcoming Congregation Program are intentionally more inclusive towards bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender people

23. About Your Sexuality, or Ays, was a comprehensive sex education course published by the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1970, with further revisions in 1973, 1978 and 1983

24. Almohad Empire (1130-1269) was an empire founded on the teachings of Ibn Tumart, in opposition to Almoravid ideology.The term Almohad comes from the arabic word al-Muwahhidun or unitarian.

25. But if the death of Jesus Christ is recognized as an actual Atonement (and not merely a potential one), then the question of limitation cannot be escaped, unless you believe the lie of universalism

26. The Counterweight community is a non-partisan, grassroots movement advocating for liberal concepts of social justice including individualism, universalism, viewpoint diversity and the free exchange of ideas. Subscribe today to become part of the Counterweight movement.

27. In addition to the theories of moral realism, moral universalism includes other cognitivist moral theories, such as the subjectivist ideal observer theory and divine command theory, and also the non-cognitivist moral theory of universal prescriptivism.

28. Arianism is often considered to be a form of Unitarian theology in that it stresses God’s unity at the expense of the notion of the Trinity, the doctrine that three distinct persons are united in one Godhead.

29. Congregational Life is made up of five regional field staff teams led by the Director of Congregational Life that work with district and regional boards to support the health and growth of congregations and other Unitarian Universalist communities

30. Beliefs & Principles - our seven Principles, six Sources and common belief questions Who We Are - our history, symbols, backgrounds and stories Religious Practices - what Unitarian Universalists do on Sunday and every day, including holidays and rites of passage

31. Is Shakespeare a god? If not, why is “Bardolatry” a word? And why is the Shakespeare missionary complex still a real one? Whenever I hear people preach about the universalism of Shakespeare the way missionaries once wielded the Bible, I think to myself, This is dangerous

32. Either they hold that Scripture gives room for several opposite theories; or they lean to Universalism, and secretly teach men to trust in future purgatories; or they wholly repudiate and openly denounce and Assail the old missionary doctrine, and believe that they who have 'sinned without law,’ and led impenitent lives under heathen darkness

33. Awash in a Sea of Faith ranges from popular piety to magic, from anxious revolutionary war chaplains to the cool rationalism of James Madison, from divining rods and seer stones to Anglican and Unitarian elites, and from Virginia Anglican occultists and Presbyterians raised from the dead to Jonathan Edwards, Joseph Smith, and Abraham Lincoln

34. Coveting Occupants Of Hell Imperfection, And God's Purposes Greed, Condemnation Of Idolatry Consists Of Morality, And Redemption Fornication Universalism Kingdom Of God, Entry Into Covetousness For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.